Plasticine sculpture series. Multiple parts that create a whole.

Oil pastel on paper
Oil pastel on paper

Studio view, 2016
Oil Pastel, Charcoal

Studio Wall View, 2016
Graphite response to Jars (sample two)

Jars (sample two), 2016
Plasticine, Glass
Jars (samples one and two), 2016
Plasticine, Glass
Exploring contained environments that evoke the body/living presence

The sculptures have been created from physical actions. Twisting, wrapping, stuffing.
The viewer is confronted with an uncomfortable form that exists through tension.
Allusions to the body are made as a result of my human contact with the material.
Taut, 2017
Found fabric, pillow stuffing
Appendage, 2017
Found fabric, pillow stuffing, string

Plaster study, 2017
Plaster, sand
Sleeping, 2017
Pen on paper

Fabric impressions, 2017
Plaster, clay

Clay finger drawing series, 2017, A0
Drawing with clay:
Allows me to manipulate the drawing in the same way i would form a sculpture
Traces of my movements achieved through mark making
Detail study, 2016, A1